Simple ideas, motivation, and brainstorming for beginning entrepreneurs. Folllow my journey as I learn about internet business, blogs, and websites. Get to know some fellow internet entrepreneurs and enjoy some off topic ideas, too, while you're here.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I have a blog because my son suggested it was a great way to share my many ideas, so here I am.
My focus business is my photography. I have spent a lot of time taking pictures and appreciating every compliment. I have also driven my family and friends crazy with my desire to document our experiences! I enjoy photography so much, I'd like to earn money doing it and have put it in my retirement plans.
So here I am 46 years old and just started to think about retirement. It's not a midlife crisis thing....I finally have more time now that the kids are older. I've been a single mom most of the past 24 years. My youngest of five children just turned 9. Two are out of the house and married and the rest are old enough now, not to be as dependent on me. My work schedule has changed and doesn't consume as high a percentage of my time and energy. I finally have time to think! I have time to plan!
My retirement goal is to travel. It will be a long time till I will be able to afford to retire since I waited so long to start planning. I now have a plan to overlap retirement and work. I want to enjoy traveling. I want to enjoy work. My goal is to travel and make contacts face to face for my photography and print design business. I will be in a location long enough to enjoy the sites, add to my photo library, and establish a good face to face business relationship. I will maintain that business on line. I will yearly, at minimum, return to maintain the personal relationship.
Join me on my hike down this trail. While we hike I hope to inspire you as I share what I'm doing. My ideas will belong to both of us. I will be accountable to you as we travel together, by documenting the experiences here at this blog. Eventually you'll clear a new trail, leaving mine. Your backpack will partially be filled with my ideas, partially filled with your ideas, and you'll leave room for new ideas. You will head off to your distination and I will continue traveling towards mine.
I've always wanted my own business, loved to write, and taken photos. I'm the mother of 5 children and have 2 granddaughters. I was born in Illinois and lived there till I was 19 years old, and I moved to AZ.
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