

Simple ideas, motivation, and brainstorming for beginning entrepreneurs. Folllow my journey as I learn about internet business, blogs, and websites. Get to know some fellow internet entrepreneurs and enjoy some off topic ideas, too, while you're here.

Friday, July 28, 2006


I'm typing on my new keyboard. This morning before work my "G" and "H" failed to respond, resuscitation was unsuccessful, so my son and I headed to Wal-Mart and I got a replacement. The first thing I did when I got home from work tonight was unplug, the still lifeless carcass of my keyboard, send it to rest peacefully in my trash can and plug in the new one! I won't elaberate now, but will at a future date, about knowing when to know when to stop resuscitation attempts. You're on your own for now to evaluate that one!

It may be the sheer exhaustion or the limited social contact or no partner in my life, but ideas are flowing wildly and at an increased rate lately. Instead of trying to figure out the cause, I will just try to write them all down to be used in the future.

First things first....I've been thinking and evaluating!

  1. I have been learning in leaps and bounds. I'm fustrated due to limited time available to do something with my new found knowledge.
  2. I have looked over my projects and feel they are worth pursuing.
  3. I need to prepare my Jan's Group Home Help to be launched.
  4. I need to redo this blog
  5. In the event anything is successful, I don't want to run traffic through

Time for Jan to plan!


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