

Simple ideas, motivation, and brainstorming for beginning entrepreneurs. Folllow my journey as I learn about internet business, blogs, and websites. Get to know some fellow internet entrepreneurs and enjoy some off topic ideas, too, while you're here.

Monday, June 05, 2006

6-5-06 TASKS

  1. Over the weekend, at work I shared my group home blog ideas. They were well received.
  2. I got input from new and experienced staff, residents, and the house manager.
  3. Building on the comment from the lady, who does the new hires at work, I found out managers and staff in the home agree they would like more information available to new staff, what it is really like in the homes.
  4. I have decided to expand on my idea for a house log. Unlike the site log that has information that pertains to all homes in the company, the house log will have information that pertains to each individual house.
  5. I talked to my friend about a blog that has auto information while he worked on my break switch. Will meet with him next week.
  6. My son let me know the info I sent him for his new informative website was fine. When he recieves his check from AdSense, he will send my payment.
  7. When I start receiving income from AdSense, I will pay someone to post what I write on my sites. Not sure at what income amount I will begin that.
  8. I encouraged two people who have great ideas/information in areas that relate to Jan's Group Home Help blog. One will think about it after she returns from studying in Mexico in Aug (spoke to her in person). No response yet from the other (sent e-mail today).
  9. Read more in Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
  10. Worked on chapter on communication in the Portable Coach.
  11. Offered to manage a blog that would have posts from an ongoing story.
  12. Will come up with a fee to manage someone's blog for them. For now, I will do it for people I know who could use the help, or I owe them in some way.
  13. Started a folder to write on topics for blogs. Will take excerpts to post.
  14. Decided to share blogs with people who would not be going to it, to decide if there was value to it, but to share what I am doing and inpire them to start one.
  15. Starting a list of people who are interested in the group home blog as soon as I make it public at the end of the month.
  16. Began cleaning my office.
  17. Want to teach my daughters to think differently about money. Considering a blog of their progress.
  18. Started writing for my third blog.


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