6-7 to 9-06 TASKS
- Went to the library got books on blogs, graphic design, and home business.
- Interviewed more people for the group home blog.
- Learned about putting links in text. Plan to go through previous posts and add links. Will add links and key words to future posts. Not sure what keywords to use for this blog.
- Went through group home blog posts and added the key words "group home" about three times to the beginning of each post. I found out in one of the books it will help in searches.
- Posted in both blogs.
- As I'm learning more, I'm gad I'm waiting to go "public" with the blogs.
- Set the dates (June 19 to August 28, 2006) for the display-Cactus, Cancer, and Chemo, at the council office lobby.
- Made flyer with Cactus, Cancer, and Chemo display info and took to UMC where my son, who is a childhood cancer survivor, was treated.
- Plan to have a blog-Cactus, Cancer, and Chemo that will up before I take the collection down from council office lobby.
- E-mailed my son with outlines for writings to go with the photos.
- Spoke to three people about helping them start a blog.
- One felt she was already too busy.
- One liked the idea, doesn't know what he'd write and was interested in Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
- The other had reservations because of his writing skill, I offered to write it. We'll talk more next week when we work together again. His would link to boht current blogs-help for legal refugees (jobs, building credit, school, etc).
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