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Sunday, June 11, 2006


Reading recommendation

My son told me about a book that inspired him, Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

I started reading it. So far it’s really helpful. From what I read and seeing the way it’s re-shape his thinking, I believe every parent should get that book. I was among those parents who told my kids to get an education, get a secure job, and then you’ll be able to do the things you want. You’ll be free to make more choices in life. I didn’t want them struggling so hard to just get by, like I have. I didn’t want them to allow work and earning just enough money to afford the basic necessities, to suck the life out of them, and consume so much time. I wanted them to have a better life for themselves than I have had up to this point.

I showed my five children a good example of working hard and being responsible. The older ones are grown and both of those. They have learned money management skills and to control spending. They know how to save. They have been valued employees wherever they work. I'm learning how to knock it up a notch. After I learn from this book, I’ll be able to pass it on to the two boys who haven’t read it, and start my girls at a young age with a better way to think about money.

Thank you, Rob, for telling me about this book!


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